CSV File Example
If you have huge data need to show in table so you can use csv format data as csv file, just insert table element
and then select source csv format so it will automatically make table from your csv file.
First Name | Last Name | Gender | |
Andrea | Larson | alarson0@sciencedaily.com | Female |
Harold | Young | hyoung1@seattletimes.com | Male |
Brandon | Bishop | bbishop2@xing.com | Male |
Peter | Brooks | pbrooks3@bloomberg.com | Male |
Lillian | Frazier | lfrazier4@usa.gov | Female |
Willie | Bell | wbell5@addtoany.com | Male |
Nicholas | Flores | nflores6@hugedomains.com | Male |
Janice | Lee | jlee7@w3.org | Female |
Cheryl | Porter | cporter8@ifeng.com | Female |
Frank | Mills | fmills9@nydailynews.com | Male |
Jack | James | jjamesa@t-online.de | Male |
Donna | Matthews | dmatthewsb@umn.edu | Female |
Jessica | Myers | jmyersc@themeforest.net | Female |
Benjamin | Green | bgreend@toplist.cz | Male |
Russell | Willis | rwillise@biglobe.ne.jp | Male |
Mildred | Torres | mtorresf@wp.com | Female |
William | Smith | wsmithg@tmall.com | Male |
Paul | Garcia | pgarciah@census.gov | Male |
Victor | Rice | vricei@google.co.jp | Male |
Beverly | Moreno | bmorenoj@usnews.com | Female |